Upcoming Events

Chakra & Singing Bowl Workshop with Dana Murphy & Jarna Parikh

March 4th, 7pm

Dana will be your guide in her signature exploration of the seven main energy centers... She will lead you to connect with, then clear, each of the chakras assisted throughout by the mystical power of Jarna's singing bowls.  We will close with a long, luxurious savasana.  Our special evening will leave you centered, whole and renewed.

$30 Early bird by 2/25. $40 thereafter.  REGISTER HERE.

Dana Cilento Murphy, has been teaching Yoga for 15 years and Meditation for 8. She officiates wedding and personal ceremonies, works individually and corporately teaching Meditation and practical techniques for her clients to live a happier, more conscious life. She also hosts spiritual workshops and retreats here and in Italy. You can learn more by visiting her website www.accessiblespirituality.com

Jarna Parikh has always been in love with mantras, health, wellness and living an authentic life since she was a young child. She has a deep love and understanding for healing foods & mantras; sounds have been sewn into her very being & essence since she was born.  Jarna has a unique gift of a Teacher and takes YOU on a beautiful journey in which we must honor OUR sacred temple (our mind, body, heart, soul) by giving it high vibrating foods & sounds to provide vitality; so you're glowing, happy and truly living authentic life. When you reach this state of vibration you can help everyone around you. She is also a Health & Wellness Coach, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, a children's Yoga Teacher and Sound Healer known as the"Soulful Gongstress" and she incorporates these disciplines as she teaches you about health is wealth using healing foods & sounds. She is the founder of Kaleful Thoughts; healing foods & sounds by Jarna Parikh. She found her soul purpose with healing foods, healing sounds; gongs and singing bowls. It was a union made in heaven; she found her roots and divine love and she shares this gift by offering sound baths through out NJ and NY. After all sound baths events she offers a healing high vibrating dessert/Prasad to all who have attended.

REGISTER HERE. Advanced registration required.  This will fill up!


Yoga for Teens and Pre-Teens with Deanna

Nest 5 Week Series starts January 31st.  Age 11+.  This yoga series provides a safe and fun environment to explore mindfulness through movement and other forms of creative expression. We will learn yoga poses and sequences to build strength and flexibility, and simple breathing exercises and relaxation techniques for reducing stress and finding balance. Advanced Registration required.  


Devotional Chanting & the Power of Sound Vibration with Christina (Kika) Wypijewska

Sunday, 1/29/2017  4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Chanting Sanskrit mantras creates a vibration that calms
the mind and
soothes the soul. It is one of one of the most powerful ways to feel deeplyconnected and has a profound ability to bring balance into the body. Designed for both new and experienced practitioners, this workshop will provide you with a window into the meaning of some of the most common mantras, as well as the opportunity to practice chanting in a safe and non-threatening environment.

$25 Early bird by 1/21/17 with promo code: CHANT. $35 thereafter.



Teens Yoga Teacher Training with Caprice Abowitt June 10th & 11th, 2017

Yoga is an excellent way for Teens to build a foundation for lifelong healthy skills. This training, geared specifically on teaching ages 13 and up, will include the following:

  • developmental benefits of yoga for teens

  • appropriate asana, pranayama, and meditation techniques for teens

  • sequencing a dynamic class

  • using yoga philosophy (yamas, niyamas, and klesas) to address common issues and struggles for teens

  • games and activities that encourage community and team-building

  • creating boundaries for classroom management

  • teaching in different environments

  • business and ethics of teaching yoga to teenagers

  • practice teaching