Tips for Balancing Vata: Grounding through Commitment to Self & Practice

Tips for Balancing Vata: Grounding through Commitment to Self & Practice

The autumn season is known as Vata season - when it’s easy to go out of balance in what Ayurveda calls Vata. Vata dosha is comprised of air and ether, and it’s characterized by these qualities: dry, light, cool, and mobile.

If our lifestyle and basic constitution create too much of these qualities, we can go out of balance. This shows up as scattered mind, doing 10 things at once, too much anxiety or stress, constant "doing" to the point of exhaustion, dryness, feeling cold often, flightiness, and overstimulating the sympathetic nervous system (fight-flight-freeze response, among other things).

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Ayurvedic Healing & Cleansing ~ Kichari & Oatmeal Recipes

Ayurvedic Healing & Cleansing ~ Kichari & Oatmeal Recipes

Ayurveda a holistic form of medicine from India that is over six thousand years old and is known as the Sister Science of Yoga. It can be utilized for optimal health through daily lifestyle habits, diet, and activities tailored to the individual's unique needs. It recognizes that each person is different and that ways to stay healthy and happy are not a one-size-fits-all kind of thang. Ayurveda honors that each individual can make small changes in daily habits to balance for their unique prakruti (individual constitution). I’ll share more about Ayurveda another day. Today I want to focus on how according to Ayurveda, good digestion is of high importance, so I’m sharing two simple recipes to get your inner fire awakened. Great for cleansing the liver, boosting the immune system, stimulating digestive fire, absorbing nutrients, and super yummy!

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Why I Practice and Why Dhyana Yoga Arts Trainings are Unique ~ by Tami Frankel

I practice yoga to become more connected to my true learn and experience life more fully and become more present physically, emotionally and give myself time and space to listen, to feel, to cry, to laugh, to play, to have fun, to JUST BE...

Everyday is different, some days are better than others - and to me thats one of the beautiful things about yoga.  It has taught me, and continues to teach me,  to embrace all of it...( especially the messy part) to be "all in" fully and completely...and to be ok with whatever happens as long as I know I have tried my best.

Check out this video on why Tami feels Dhyana Yoga Arts & DYA trainings are unique and one translation we share in YTT of the togetherness mantra.

Journey to Strength & Transformation | Megan Brown Testimonial

Journey to Strength & Transformation | Megan Brown Testimonial

My first class at Dhyana Yoga Arts was April 14, 2018. By the end of May, I was transformed. Transformed or transformative may get used casually these days, but I don’t mean it lightly. When I first came to the studio, I was in a depleted state following of a four-month transition to relocate our family across the country, including an extended period with myself and the children apart from my husband. I was also nine-month post-partum, after the birth of our third child. I was not feeling strong. I was drained emotionally, I was in poorer physical shape than usual, and my back ached.

I was also nine-month post-partum, after the birth of our third child. I was not feeling strong. I was drained emotionally, I was in poorer physical shape than usual, and my back ached.

I started coming four times a week for six weeks or so. By the end of that time I was in a totally different state. I was happier, I was calmer, and I had some serious bicep muscles!

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Today Lived Well & Back Care for Herniation | Raisa Tiedemann Testimonial

Today Lived Well & Back Care for Herniation | Raisa Tiedemann Testimonial

I’ve had lower back pain for about 8 years now, which became worse after having my daughter. 

It wasn’t until learning from Deanna Sidoti, Backcare Specialist, that I found I needed to have a good foundation to know how to REALLY take care of my back.  In the past, I endured years of physical therapy, daily chiropractic trips, and even two injections to try to relieve the herniation pain.  After the pain started to come back after the last injection, I knew it was only a matter of time that the pain before the pain would be just as bad as before.  I knew I had to find something that actually works… After the first couple of weeks of daily practice and working with Deanna twice a week in back-care only classes, I was able to stay in a seated position for 30 minutes without being in pain …

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