I am a devoted student yogini and Ayurvedic health practitioner . My yoga journey started when I had physical injuries and emotional healing to do. 

As my body became stronger and healthier, I soon discovered that my yoga mat was a place to find a sense of contentment, self awareness and mind body connection.  I’m a big believer that our bodies are always talking to us and that the universe is as well. Yoga can make you feel better physically, spiritually and mentally on and off of the mat.  

When I first started teaching yoga, it was to specialized populations - autism, cancer and eating disorders- this taught me patience, compassion and that our needs are different, but most importantly that we are all love at our core. 

As a teacher, I  realize that yoga is not a "one size fits all" practice and that every person is on a different path.  I try to offer students the opportunity to take that path in their own way at their own pace, to modify when needed and to check in with how they feel moment to moment- honoring their own inner wisdom. 

I love sharing the gifts of yoga, but when I’m not on my mat, I enjoy my greatest job yet- being a mom to my 3 children. I also enjoy spending time with friends and family, walking, hiking, swimming at the beach, cooking, spa days, reading, listening to live music and spending time with my 2 dogs. 

Christina also offers one-to-one Ayurvedic Consultations.