The Power of Practice & Yoga for Scoliosis | Autumn Onderko Testimonial

The Power of Practice & Yoga for Scoliosis | Autumn Onderko Testimonial

What better way to celebrate my first anniversary at Dhyana Yoga Arts, than to share my experience with scoliosis. 

I was diagnosed (such a scary word) when I was eight years old with two curves, a left lumbar and a right thoracic (both at a degree in the high teens, low twenties). It wasn’t until my teens that it progressed enough to place me into a nighttime bending brace. As if my teenage years weren’t awkward or difficult enough, I was now spending my nights in a very large, uncomfortable and unwanted back brace.  I remember feeling embarrassed, miserable and alone; there were many nights that I even cried myself to sleep.

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