Today Lived Well & Back Care for Herniation | Raisa Tiedemann Testimonial

Today Lived Well & Back Care for Herniation | Raisa Tiedemann Testimonial

I’ve had lower back pain for about 8 years now, which became worse after having my daughter. 

It wasn’t until learning from Deanna Sidoti, Backcare Specialist, that I found I needed to have a good foundation to know how to REALLY take care of my back.  In the past, I endured years of physical therapy, daily chiropractic trips, and even two injections to try to relieve the herniation pain.  After the pain started to come back after the last injection, I knew it was only a matter of time that the pain before the pain would be just as bad as before.  I knew I had to find something that actually works… After the first couple of weeks of daily practice and working with Deanna twice a week in back-care only classes, I was able to stay in a seated position for 30 minutes without being in pain …

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Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga

Why Restorative Yoga?

There are countless studies referring to the rising numbers of people who suffer from issues related to stress. In modern everyday life, many of us tend to be bombarded by stimuli and operating in a state of “fight-or-flight,” aka stress-response. This response is part of the autonomic nervous system and helps us in certain situations such as recognizing danger, giving us strength in emergency circumstances, and getting tasks done. It is common to be living in a state of stress-overload and for this response to be overactive. It can affect overall health, including heart rate, blood pressure, reproduction, sexual function, job and athletic performance, digestion, elimination, energy level, and sense of self.

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